Volunteering: A Heartfelt Thank You…

Here at HQ we often talk about how incredibly proud we are of our staff team. We couldn’t do anything without you, and we’re so grateful for the time you give up to help us.

We know you’re all busy people, studying or doing your proper jobs. Among your ranks are paramedics and nurses, teachers and students, doctors, lawyers, hotshot consultants, graphic designers, acrobats, film producers and farmers, butchers, bakers and candlestick makers.

You’ve flown in from France, Germany, Spain, and even Singapore to join in the the ATE fun. You’ve cut your holidays short to drive to School Weeks. You’ve spent New Year’s Eves and birthdays and anniversaries away from your families and loved ones for us. You fill spare evenings and weekends lending a hand, helping us to make sure everything runs smoothly.

You are our biggest asset. You joined us as volunteers, many of you as sixth formers or students, often with little idea for the kind of organisation you were becoming a part of. We think the fact that you have decided to stick around, through university and promotions, break ups and babies, is a massive feather in our cap. We’re humbled by the fact that you come back year after year, having decided that we were worth your time and effort, and for that we thank you.

Thank you for choosing to spend your summer holidays to come and work with us.

Thank you for helping us to fundraise and organise, even on weekends.

Thank you for coming to Staff Weekends and making them so much fun.

Thank you for spending your birthdays and New Year’s Eves with us for the sake of Superweeks.

Thank you for travelling from all over the UK and the world to come to Superweeks and CPD weekends.

Thank you for coming back again and again.

Thank you for being brilliant!

We’re looking forward to seeing you on Superweeks very soon!

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