About the Monitor Training Course
How do I become a Monitor?
Every year we run a training course for new volunteers to train as Monitors. By attending the seven-day residential course, you will be provided with the resources and skills required to successfully lead a group of children on a Superweek.
The training includes practical sessions, lectures, interactive workshops and discussions. You will learn about ATE’s principles and aims, how we run activities, the ways we make sure our holidays are safe, and how we work with children.
The course is intensive and challenging, but also lots of fun; you’ll spend the week getting to know the other volunteers, playing new games, and laughing at least three times an hour.
What is the Monitor Training Course like?
Each Monitor Training Course is led by one of our Lead Instructors, a senior member of our staff body. They are assisted by a selection of experienced staff members, including Monitors, Assistant Directors and Directors. All of our instructors have completed the Monitor Training Course themselves, and gone on to work on multiple Superweeks.
The Training Course is always run at a centre we use for our Superweeks, often a boarding school. The centre will typically have a separate lecture space, an indoor space for activities, and cosy spaces for your down time. There will be large grounds where you can begin to learn a repertoire of games. All meals will be provided, cooked by a professional caterer that we know and trust.
Training Courses vary in size from year to year, but normally we accept between 20 and 30 trainees. We limit the size of our courses so that we can get to know all of our trainees really well, and so that our trainees can get to know one another.