Adventure Appeal: £3000 Raised! The Superwalk for ATE | July 2012

ATE Staff and Friends raised over £3000 for the Adventure Appeal on the 13-mile SuperWalk, clad in fancy dress on the Malvern Hills! Joe told us a little more about it:

“At approximately 3pm, myself and Alex had reached the top of Midsummer Hill, but had misplaced our troupe of merry fundraisers.To the north we could see the Malverns stretching away like a caterpillar. We scanned the land around us looking for the rest of the group – singing could be heard in the distance. Then, far down at the bottom of the hill, a line of strange characters appeared from behind a hedgerow. We had found them!

The morning had started well. Our first stopping point was The Beacon. At 425m, we could survey the beautiful landscape surrounding Great Malvern. The ascent up to the top was rather steep. Robin (of Batman and Robin fame) had led the way up the hill, followed closey by Peter Pan and a cow.

The Beacon, being the highest point, meant that surely everything else would be downhill. Sadly this was not the case; as is the way with mountain ranges – there is plenty of up and down! Entertainment was provided by one-man-band Sam who had been carrying with him an accordian. He also had various other musical instruments duck-taped to his body – much like a modern-day Dick Van Dyke.

As we marched on, we were passed by plenty of runners who were brave enough to be completing an ultramarathon (52 miles). They may have been athletes in their prime, but they were nothing compared to us – we were in fancy dress!

After chatting briefly with some hang gliders who wouldn’t let us have a go, we sat down for lunch – everyone was cheerful and glad for the chance to eat. With full bellies, we were ready for the rest of the walk, and by 3pm the end was in sight.

I’d like to personally thank everyone who took part in the SuperWALK. Everyone worked really hard to make the day a success and in doing so we raised around £3000 in sponsorship for ATE’s Adventure Appeal.”


Read more about the Adventure Appeal here

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