Superweeks: Why summer camps?

The sun has come out (ish), the summer holidays are fast approaching and there will more likely be decisions to make about how your child(ren) spend their 6 weeks away from school.

There are friends to meet up with of course, new computer games to defeat, perhaps a family holiday to go on. It’s an exciting time in any child’s calendar. But if you, as a parent, need childcare for some or all of the holiday, have you thought about a summer camp experience for your child?

Summer camps are not all that common in the UK, not compared with the US and other parts of Europe, but a seven-day Superweek, right here in the UK is likely to be one of the most exciting and adventurous experience your child will have.

It’s a simple recipe; just 40 or so children, a team of dedicated, trained staff, and a fantastic country house with massive grounds, fields, woods and often, a swimming pool!

And so the adventures begin…outdoor games…indoor games…climbing trees and building dens … team challenges and quests … making things … … learning things … having evening parties and maybe a story by the fire with a hot chocolate before bed … and that’s just the first day.

We spoke to Connor R, who’ll be working on a Superweek this summer,

On a Superweek every child has a group with their own Monitor (a young adult trained to work on Superweeks). It’s likely that no one in a group will have met before. We know this can make some people nervous, but by the end of the first evening everyone will have made new friends.

There is so much opportunity for children to develop confidence and social skills. It’s also a LOT of fun. Living together with new friends and trying new thing; this makes a residential experience rather than 9-5 childcare really worthwhile. Having been lucky enough to work on a number of different holiday schemes in a variety of settings I have found that Superweeks delivers these benefits by far the most effectively.

We have been running Superweeks for over 50 years and we promise you we know 367 ways to make sure your child has a real adventure. What’s more, we’re in no doubt that your child will come home with increased self-confidence, a better awareness of the needs of others, and new friendships to tell you about after having the opportunity to practice independence in a completely safe and encouraging atmosphere.

A well-run residential experience provides children with a safe, supportive environment away from the pressure of ‘the rest of life’. A Superweek is a child focused holiday where days are play-packed and leave a child with memories and experiences that we believe are key to a happy childhood. Our assurances for being qualified to do this are the facts that we are the only national provider of summer camps in the UK with a deep rooted, traceable history in education, and that we run intensive residential training courses for the volunteers who care for the children.

I knew that what I was doing (by allowing my daughter to go on a Superweek) was completely the right thing for my daughter and that she was in the best hands. I knew that she would be in small groups supervised 24 hours a day by young, enthusiastic Monitors. I knew the environment was totally safe; physically and emotionally.
– Mum to a first time Superweeker

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