Superweeks: Favourite Memories | Miranda, age 15 and Morgan, age 13

We asked our Superweekers what they thought was so super about Superweeks.
Miranda (age 15) wanted to share her favourite memories, she writes:
“Hello to everyone at ATE!
First of all, I’m VERY excited for the What’s so super about Superweeks? week as I look forward to hearing everyone else’s favourite parts as well as mine.
I’m going on my 7th and last superweek this summer (The Final Fling) and I know that it will teach me many invaluable life lessons, as have all the others. I can’t quite put into words how much ATE as a company has changed my life in the best way possible – and as I frequently tell my friends, these summer camps are the best things I have done, EVER!
Here is a list  my favourite memories – enjoy!
-The fabulous food that always leaves me wanting more!
-The Monitors who feel more like a friend than an ‘adult’
-Learning how to build fires and make tea on them (particularly with Olly!)
-Having a whole dictionary of inside jokes with your group
-Laughing so hard that your juice comes out of your nose!
-Singing to earn your dinner
-A bit of Harry Potter or Roald Dahl before bed
-Being a proper child for a week without having to worry about the amount of likes on your last Instagram or what shoes your best friend has bought
-Leading on from that, a whole week of escaping the black hole that is social media
-Making BEST friends (I still meet up with my ATE crew on a regular basis!)
-Spending a week with people from all over the the UK (and the world) and making them your new pen pal (again, I still have these too)
-Not being judged for your taste in music or wacky hairstyles
-The video we made (click here) which sums up that week for me

I could easily go on! I cannot wait till the summer and although I’m so sad that my childhood Superweeks are coming to a close, I’ll be counting down the days until I can be a monitor!

Thanks again, Miranda xxx”

Morgan, age 13 wanted to share what she thinks is super about ‪#‎Superweeks‬:
“I remember when I first went to ATE. The year was 2010 and I had no idea why I agreed to being left alone with people I didn’t know. But as soon as I got on the train, my worries all disappeared. The activities, people and place make you forget about home in the most magical way. I’d personally choose ATE over Disney (sorry Mickey). Beautifully organised, fun-filled days makes the rest of the year worth trudging through. I’ve met some of the best people at ATE and I’m going again this year. I know I’m not going to think about home – it’s nice to be able to leave everything behind you, even if only for a week. No, you can’t go on anything electrical during the time you’re there, but I promise you won’t want it. Afternoons include dormtime where you can play card games, get to know now another or – if you’re like me – take a nap. The atmosphere is incredible and you’ll make friends you’ll keep in touch with and monitors you want to be siblings with. I’ll definitely be up there training to be a monitor one day! “

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