Rhian G, a Monitor next week on the Easter Egg-Stravaganza
This post was originally published in 2015
I found out about Superweeks from a school assembly back in 2004, I was 9 years old, and it sounded like the adventure of a lifetime. It was, and I ended up going on four more weeks.
I learnt a lot of things on Superweeks that I would never have gotten the chance to in school; I gained confidence and enjoyed having the chance to just be a kid. I decided to train as a Monitor because I wanted to help other children have the same amazing experiences that I had, and still am having with ATE.
Outside of ATE I’m in my second year studying Fine Art in Birmingham. In my spare time I do a lot of drawing (it comes with doing an art degree!), baking, watching films and trying out new crafts. I love being outside, camping, and travelling to interesting places that I’ve never been to before.
On my first Superweek as a Monitor last summer, it was amazing to see everyone learning so much, and learning alongside them; cooking breakfast over a fire, learning how to make a shelter. The girls in my group even taught me how to plait properly!
I’m looking forward to meeting even more amazing ATE people this Easter (just next week!), playing games, and singing silly songs!