Fundraising: The GreATE 24 Hour Run | June 2017

Every year, ATE staff make a big effort to raise money for our Adventure Appeal. This year, it’s the GreATE 24 hour run. We asked ATE SuperRunner, Alix  for a no-nonsense guide to what the GreATE 24 Hour Run will entail…

Hey Alix! What is the GreATE 24 Hour Run?

Staff and friends of ATE will be running/jogging/meandering around a set out route for 24 HOURS STRAIGHT in a relay type format. No-one’s going to be running for 24 hours themselves– that’d be silly…and dangerous. So long as at least one person is running at any one point, we’re golden. So it’s almost entirely a sponsored rest…

When is it? 

The first runner will start at 10am on 17th June. 24 hours later, at 10am on 18th June, the challenge will finish & we’ll have raised lots of money for the Adventure Appeal! Easy!

Where is it happening? 

In Worcester. There’s a scenic 2.5 miles (4km) loop alongside the River Severn.

Who’s doing it? 

Me and YOU, alongside a group of keen & not-so-keen runners who range from wanting to do one lap (2.5miles) to wanting to do ten (crazy kids). There’s already ten of us. Do get in touch if you’d like to take part.

But really, this event really can be for everyone. Even if you’re just trotting at the slowest of trots, 2.5 miles is not going to take you more than half an hour and you’ll have scores of your best ATE mates cheering you on. And you’ll be raising money for a brilliant cause. What could be better?!


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