Become a climate advocate with ATE and the National Trust

Are you passionate about the environment? Do you worry about climate change and the future of our planet? Does it feel like people with power don't listen to young people? If you want to join with people who feel the same to make a difference, we want to hear from you!

ATE has teamed up with the National Trust to put together a unique 12-month project at the magnificent Clent Hills, an iconic National Trust site. We are looking for people aged 12-15 who want to join a community of climate solution advocates. The project will include three exciting and immersive weekends where you will deepen your understanding of the natural wonders that surround you, and gain the tools and knowledge you need to feel empowered to make a real difference.

Three weekends between 18th May 2024 and 17th March 2025

We’re planning three exciting, impactful, and fun-filled weekends that will skill you up to become a climate advocate. We’ll mix hands-on conservation work with workshops and discussions about the environment. You’ll meet other young people who are passionate about climate justice, as well as professionals working to make a difference today. The dates are subject to change, but are likely to be the weekends of 18th May 2024, 6th July 2024, and 16th March 2025. You will need to commit to all three weekends when you apply.

Looking after you, while you look after our planet

At ATE, we specialise in taking care of people like you, making sure you get involved, make friends, feel valued and empowered. Not only will the weekends be fun-packed and full of opportunities to learn about the environment, you’ll also get to know a group of amazing new friends to share the experience with, find out about leadership, and how to be part of a game-changing team. We’ll support you on an adventure where you guide the focus, purpose, and outcomes. Oh, and the food will be brilliant as well!

How to get involved

If this sounds like it’d be up your street, submit your application today! Our short form is at the bottom of this page. There are some basic questions about you and your interests, and we’ll need you to provide an academic reference as well. The timeline is explained in full alongside the application form.

Got questions? Shoot us an email at No question is too silly! We’re absolutely thrilled about this project and can’t wait to meet the change-agents who’d join us on this journey.

Commitment to diversity

We are excited to bring together a diverse group of young people for this project. We particularly welcome applications from those who find that opportunities like these do not usually come their way – those from under-represented backgrounds or who face socio-economic challenges. That said, the beauty of diversity lies in an amazing blend of all! We encourage anyone and everyone to apply and join us in this incredible journey.

A wealth of perspectives

In building a diverse community for our project, we value a breadth of perspectives, experiences, and academic backgrounds to ensure that the initiative is as enriching and all-encompassing as possible. We aim to offer at least two places to any school with a minimum of 6 applicants.

Full Name(Required)
DD slash MM slash YYYY

Tell us about yourself

*if this is not a label that you feel applies to you, please offer one you are more comfortable with and answer as that
*if this is not a label that you feel applies to you, please offer one you are more comfortable with and answer as that
Would you describe yourself as belonging to a marginalized group or racialised minority?


Please provide the details of an adult in school who can act as a referee for you