Council skills audit

The purpose of this exercise is two-fold:

  1. to better understand the skills, knowledge, and experience we have on our Board, and what (if any) are missing
  2. to understand how Trustees/council members are best placed to offer support

This is not intended to be an assessment of value or worth. Your individual answers won’t be shared, though it may be useful to discuss the results of the exercise in its totality with the Board as a whole.

This audit format was created by NCVO, and the skills mostly come from their template.

Please consider each skill in turn, and decide whether you have:

expertise (I have a deep knowledge of this and would consider myself an expert)

experience (I have experience of this and would feel comfortable that I could advise in this area)

some understanding (I know about this. I could contribute but would not advise on this), or

no experience (I do not know about this and have little or no experience in this).

Expert Experience Some understanding No experience
Board/ committee experience
Business management
Business continuity
Campaigning/ influencing/ advocacy
Charity law and regulation
Change management
Collaborative working
Conflict management/ resolution
Company law and regulation
Cyber security
Data Protection
Enterprise and Business Development
Equity, diversity and inclusion
Event management
Financial management and accounting
Fundraising and income generation
Health, safety & wellbeing
Human resources/ people management
Influence and advocacy
Knowledge of charity sector
Knowledge of the current educational landscape
Knowledge management
Legal expertise
Managing investments
Managing senior managers
Marketing or communications
Monitoring and evaluating performance
Organisational governance
Policy and procedure development
Procurement/ contract management
Project management
PR and media relations
Property and estate management
Risk management
Stakeholder and membership engagement
Strategic or business planning
Strategy development
Third Sector Contacts/Affiliations
Volunteer management