Frank’s Place
Frank’s Place near Bewdley, Worcestershire
An outdoor adventure and Eco-Education centre; 90 acres of woodlands (all ours for the whole week), forests and meadows within walking distance of the river Severn and the famous Teddy Gray sweet shop in picturesque Bewdley.
The centre itself has really lovely spacious dorms (definitely what is needed after an energetic afternoon in the woods), a big dining room, a games room for evenings all together, outdoor classrooms and plenty of interesting things to investigate like the worm farm and why there are bottles of diet coke inside all the loos.
I was impressed with the accommodation, activities organised and overall smooth arrangements. My daughter really enjoyed her Superweek at Frank’s Place
Parent Feedback
In previous years at Frank’s Place we have:
- Woken up REALLY early to go deer stalking
- Spent the afternoon on a bug safari
- Got far too competitive in the Food Waste Challenge
- Made marble runs from junk that looped the centre
- Spent the day canoeing on the river Severn
For some photos and further info, visit the Frank’s Place website.